12 February 2013

Institute of International European Affairs Infographic: 5 Scenerios to Reach Energy Roadmap 2050

Europe has a goal of reducing its emissions by 80-95% by 2050, which means near total decarbonisation of the energy system. 
In 2011, the European Commission published the Energy Roadmap 2050, which explores five key scenarios for decarbonisation by 2050.

An infographic by the Institute of International European Affairs examines these five scenarios and highlights conclusions that can be drawn about the future EU energy landscape.

1. High Energy Efficiency
2. Technologies Compete Openly
3. High Renewable Energy Sources
4. Delayed Carbon Captured Storage (CCS)
5. Low Nuclear
The Roadmap will be the subject of an important vote in the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee on 24 January 2013. The Parliament’s report, prepared by rapporteur Niki Tzavela (EFD, Greece) is supportive of the Commission’s Roadmap and its conclusions.
The data from the latest infographic is drawn from the European Commission’s Energy Roadmap 2050 (COM 2011 885) and accompanying Impact Assessments (SEC(2011)1565/1 and SEC(2011)1565/2).
This content is part of the IIEA Environment Nexus, co-funded by the European Parliament.